Sustainable Development Solutions Network Switzerland (SDSN Switzerland)

The SDSN Switzerland annual assembly 2020

Ort: Zürich
Seit: 2018
Bis: 2020 (vsl. zweite Phase ab 2021)
Aktiv in: Wissenschaftskommunikation; Netzwerke aufbauen
Kategorie: Netzwerke & Plattformen

Das übergeordnete Ziel eurer Arbeit:

Promote the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs in Switzerland


Beschreibt in bis zu 100 Worten, wer ihr seid und was ihr macht:

SDSN Switzerland is a network organization, part of a global network. The Secretariat (250%) works with the almost 40 member organizations and many partners on sustainable development (SDGs). We facilitate exchanges among our members and partners, organize conferences and public events – some ourselves, for others we take a supportive role. We publish policy briefs and engage with governmental entities, business associations and international organizations.


3 thematische Schwerpunkte eurer Arbeit:

SDG implementation

Partnership engagement

Monitoring of progress towards the SDGs


Beschreibt eure Aktivitäten in zehn Stichworten:

networking and partner engagement; hosting and supporting of events; outreach; awareness raising; science-policy interface; policy advice and support; monitoring and analysis of progress; contribute to our global network; generate a knowledge base for SDGs; create solution initiatives

Wo würdet ihr eure Praxis verorten zwischen…

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Hard to describe, we are still finding our role.

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Our network considers itself at the science-policy interface.

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Most of our contacts are professionals and we engage with each other in this role.

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We explore visions for transformational change, but aim for remaining unideological and evidence based.

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Our network is still quite new and we are still working on our positioning and strategy.

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We are still a small network and our members can engage, the driving force is however with our executive committee and the secretariat.

Mit welcher eurer Aktivitäten aus der letzten Zeit seid ihr besonders zufrieden und warum?

We had a very successful annual assembly where we placed our members at the centre of the programme. Everybody was happy and satisfied.


Welche Aktivitäten habt ihr als nächstes geplant?

We had to reschedule our annual conference so we organized an online webinar series instead around the topic ’sustainable economies‘. The first face-to-face event will take place in Geneva in August.


Zu welchem Thema würdet ihr gerne arbeiten oder aktiv werden, wenn ihr keinen praktischen Einschränkungen (z.B. Finanzierung, Zeit) unterläget?

I don’t think we would go for a specific topic, we are advocating a systemic approach to sustainable development. More funding would allow us to upscale and intensify our activities and launch additional activities jointly with our members and partners.

Stand: Mai 2020